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Powtórzenie wielokrotnie kodu, doda ten towar tyle razy ile razy występuje. Ilość towaru można również podać po średniku, np. DS-QR-008;5 doda 5 szt. towaru DS-QR-008.
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Podmiot odpowiedzialny za ten produkt na terenie UE
Brian Crower, Inc.Więcej
ProducentBrian Crower, Inc.Adres:
So Marshall Ave 161Kod pocztowy: 92020Miasto: El CajonKraj: Stany ZjednoczoneNumer telefonu: 619.749.9018Adres email:
Podmiot odpowiedzialnyMTuning Sp. z o.o.Adres:
Morgowa 85aKod pocztowy: 35-323Miasto: RzeszówKraj: PolskaNumer telefonu: +48785828228Adres email:
Brian Cower was created to meet the demand for high-quality engine components at an affordable price.
The stroker kits fit all popular Sport Compact applications as well as the matching camshafts and valve camshafts.
Complete packages designed to work together to provide more power and torque, as well as greater reliability.
The Stroker Kit is designed for the following car models:
-Honda C30A
- Honda C32B
-Stroke 84mm
-ProH625 + Rods
The kit includes: forged shaft, ProH625 + connecting rods (5.984 "CNC), custom pistons. Shells available separately. The set increases capacity to 3.50L.