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Podmiot odpowiedzialny za ten produkt na terenie UE
ProducentRACELOGIC Ltd.Adres:
Swan Business Centre, Osier Way Unit 10-11Kod pocztowy: MK18 1TBMiasto: BuckinghamKraj: Wielka BrytaniaNumer telefonu: +44 1280 823803Adres email:
Podmiot odpowiedzialnyMTuning Sp. z o.o.Adres:
Morgowa 85aKod pocztowy: 35-323Miasto: RzeszówKraj: PolskaNumer telefonu: +48785828228Adres email:
Video VBOX Pro is a high-end in-car video system aimed primarily at motorsport professionals and driving schools. Video VBOX Pro is housed in an aluminium enclosure. It combines a 10Hz VBOX GPS data logger with a 4 camera video system.
Package Contents:
- Video VBOX Pro 10Hz GPS Data Logger and Video Recorder with Graphic Overlay and 8 CAN channel logging
- Two Sony HQ1 Super HAD ExView 550/580L PAL cameras
- Two camera mounts with windscreen suction cups
- Forward facing camera ring
- GPS antenna
- Two microphones
- One microphone splitter cable
- In-car power supply
- Mains power supply
- 4GB SD card containing software and user guide
- USB cable for connection to PC
- Large Video VBOX carry case
Additional Options (please choose):
- 2 cameras and 32 CAN channel logging
- 4 cameras and 32 CAN channel logging
Please note that if you wish to order a Video VBOX package with NTSC capability you should contact us first.
More information about the Video VBOX Pro can be found here. Please click here to download Video VBOX Pro datasheet.