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Podmiot odpowiedzialny za ten produkt na terenie UE
ProducentRACELOGIC Ltd.Adres:
Swan Business Centre, Osier Way Unit 10-11Kod pocztowy: MK18 1TBMiasto: BuckinghamKraj: Wielka BrytaniaNumer telefonu: +44 1280 823803Adres email:
Podmiot odpowiedzialnyMTuning Sp. z o.o.Adres:
Morgowa 85aKod pocztowy: 35-323Miasto: RzeszówKraj: PolskaNumer telefonu: +48785828228Adres email:
10Hz GPS Data Logger and Pit Lane Timer Display in one. The new VBOX Pit LaneTimer takes the guesswork out of the crucial pit stop period of an endurance race.
VBOX Pit Lane Timer recognizing the preset pit lane entry point as it is crossed, displays the velocity until the car comes to a stop and then counts down to zero to indicate when it is time to get out again. In addition the high brightness LEDs change colour and intensity, giving the driver an indication as to whether the pitlane exit will be reached too early, too late, or exactly right.
The timer logs stint and pit lane times to SD card.
- 10Hz data logging to SD card
- Helps to avoid pit stop penalties
- Prompts you when to leave the pit box, warning in advance if you are going to cross the line too early
- Includes external GPS/GLONASS antenna
- Easy operation
- Motorsport Lemo connectors
- Low power consumption: 1.5W
- Multiple mounting options
- Free data analysis software (Windows, MacOS, and iOS)
Download the technical specs sheet from here.